Sunday, October 25, 2015

Our School Annual Day - Wonderful it was...

Hi guys...Its been a long time since I posted in my blog. I was so busy for the last few months, so no time to blog.... But now I have a lot to catch up,and I made a mental note to post often in my blog....

One of the important events we looked forward to this year, was the Annual day held on September 30th 2015, at Kamban Kalaiarangam. 

It was an awesome annual day function, as we all enjoyed every second of it. Viga came to the function along with aunty. She has become a bit thin & slightly tanned. We enjoyed chitchats. 

Each & every program started with a small introduction- conversation kind of between our Vice Principal Gaitri Mam & Vivek Sir. An innovative new idea ... well appealed to the audience as well. My Grandfather Prof. Elango,  told us that this part was really excellently done. 

More than the actual dancing we looked forward to the practice sessions (as we get the whole day free ;-)). Though we were a bit disappointed, as the sound system was not really that good and when it was time for our dance, we could only hear the music & the lyrics of the songs ( fusion of 4 songs) were inaudible. We actually practised pretty well. As the famous saying goes,"When you have great expectations,you are setting yourself for disappointment." 

Here are the few pics from the annual day...

We enjoyed it altogether ....